Old Bedroom
I was bored with my bedroom and was thinking the solution was new curtains. I love my vintage linen armchairs but the bright pink fabric felt limiting. So here's what i did... I moved them into my living room and in their place...
Chair Switch
I moved an old flea market find that I had reupholstered in a knockoff Michael Smith tree of life fabric that I found Downtown at the fabric market for a song. Finding old chairs with great lines and then taking to my upholsterer is one of my favorite ways to get a designer look without the designer price tag. Then, I re-hung my curtain rods super high to open up the room and hung new curtains in a suzanni print.
Close up of curtains
I love mixing fabrics and as long as you work in the same color family you'd be surprised at what you can get away with. For a finishing touch, I placed a japanese garden stool for a side table and an old wicker stool that I keep my current rotation of books and magazines on. An antique flag pillow and a blue silk throw are the finishing touches. Totally different vibe and it feels like a new room.
New Room!
Does this dress clash with my curtains?